

🌊블루오션 은 P2:8이라는 큰 사역 네트워크에 속해있습니다.


“각자의 부르심 속에서 하나님의 나라를 이 땅에 실현하다

다음 3가지 목적으로 모인 그리스도인과 기독 단체들의 '연합체'가 P2:8입니다..

P2:8은 어느 한 단체를 지칭하는 용어가 아닌, 선교의 새로운 패러다임을 요구하는 전략과 연합의 장을 의미합니다.

8 Mind Molders

"한 국가를 이루는 8가지 중요 구성 요소"
각 영역은 하나님을 드러내며 하나님의 속성을 나타낸다.

–그리스도인이라함은 사회의 각 영역을 성경적 세계관으로 제자화하여 각 영역별 해당 하나님의 속성을 기반으로 하나님의 나라를 이루어 가도록 명령을 받은 자들입니다.

– 나의 부르심에 따라 전문성영성을 발휘하여 하나님의 나라를 세워갑니다.


(Greek) – “To Remember”

Zakar is a multi-component supporting ministry that provides the following services to extend and support other ministries:

① Planning and administration
② Research and strategy
③ Online platform
④ Holistic healing
⑤ Financial support
⑥ Intercessory Prayer


(Seven Thousand Saints)

STS is a ministry for Christian leaders who seek to fulfill God’s will based on the Christian worldview through a balance of expertise and spirituality in each area (8MM). STS leaders currently serve in the following churches and organizations:

① Blue Ocean ANC – Canada
② JDEW Blue Ocean – Canada, Korea
③ P2:8 Blue Ocean – Korea


블루오션 refers to a wide and deep blue sea where many fish can be caught.

블루오션 is a movement that educates, nurtures, and trains youth and young adults to become next-generation leaders who will go out to the nations and serve the kingdom of God. Blue Ocean is represented in 3 ways:

① Church: Blue Ocean “ANC”
② Organizational Affiliation: JDEW Blue Ocean, P2:8 Blue Ocean
③ Individual


(All Nations Church)

ANC introduces a new paradigm that blends the traditional gathering church (modality) with the scattering church (sodality). Primarily built on a globally connected online platform, ANC holds both online and offline meetings, with the offline gatherings complementing the online experience by offering fully immersive worship and fellowship. It provides a venue for global networking to build God’s kingdom beyond regional borders.

① Blue Ocean ANC
② Baekam ANC
③ Seoul ANC
④ Cambodia ANC
⑤ South Africa ANC
⑥ Icheon ANC
⑦ Chungju ANC


(Global Evangelical Mission Association)

GEMA is a networking ministry of missionaries and mission fields to not only evangelize but also solve various needs for establishing the kingdom of God in that land.

① Mission (domestic, special, 9F)
② Mission field networking (Sri Lanka, Cambodia, India, Philippines, Czech Republic, Vancouver, Nepal)

P2:8 Strategic Ministry Partners (MOU)


(World Mission University)

WMU is a well-respected ATS-accredited theological institution in Los Angeles, USA.

In a strategic alliance formalized by an MOU, Zakar and WMU develop theological resources and offer accredited courses for a Master of Arts in Theology (MAT). Additionally, WMU provides a Doctor of Philosophy in Practical Theology with a Concentration in Spirituality and Coaching (PhD-CH).

Through this collaboration, P2:8 is empowered to nurture and mentor the next generation of Christian leaders. Many P2:8 staff have already enhanced their theological expertise by completing or pursuing these graduate and doctoral programs, strengthening both their personal foundation and the broader impact of their ministry.


(Jesus’s Disciples Evangelizing the world)

JDEW is a church and training school organization. Its training program is built on two core principles:
1. Biblical Foundation: Maturing into genuine Christians and living a holy life.
2. Divine Vocation: Discovering and responding to the calling as a follower of Jesus Christ.
To support these aims, courses A, B, C, D, and F are offered for 10 weeks each (online or offline), along with an intensive course lasting 20 weeks.

There are 4 JDEW churches:

① Wonju JDEW Yeolbang Church
② Vancouver JDEW Yeolbang Church
③ Yeoksam JDEW Yeolbang Church
④ JDEW Eunhae Church
